Oral Care Advice During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting us, our families and friends in many ways. When it comes to our oral health, some people are unsure on what to do if they have a dental emergency, others are seeking tips on how to spend the extra time at home to take better care of their health. During this stressful period, we have created a series of oral health simple tips and advice to help.
1. What should you do in a dental emergency during COVID-19?
Wherever possible we should all stay at home to stop the spread of COVID-19. However if you are in extreme pain, have substantial and worsening swelling, uncontrolled bleeding, or are unsure and very concerned, contact your dentist.
If you don’t have a dentist or can’t get an emergency appointment you can find more information at the COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal by clicking here:
2. Should you go to the dentist during this crisis?
You can find more information at the COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal by clicking here: https://sacoronavirus.co.za/
3. Other oral health advice during the COVID-19 crisis.
We understand that most people have a lot on their minds at the moment, making it easy to overlook some basic hygiene steps like brushing teeth properly, but we believe now more than ever your oral hygiene is really important, so:
- Snacking
Many people are snacking more during these stressful times. Where possible, try to keep sugar consumption to meal times, and maintain regular brushing for 2 minutes twice a day. While this is well known advice, it is especially important during the COVID-19 crisis as it can help keep you away from an emergency trip to the dentist, keeping our dentists focussed on helping those with emergencies as part of our front-line team. - Stress
Elevated stress can result in teeth grinding, called bruxism. This can be more common during times of stress such as this COVID-19 pandemic. You may not even be aware of it, sometimes a partner may notice this during sleep. Try to relax your jaw muscle as much as possible, massage the area and apply heat if needed. Finally consult your dentist about a mouth guard when surgeries are open again as normal. - Denture and Retainer wearers:
For people who wear a full or partial denture or a retainer, it is particularly important that you pay extra special care to keep them clean. Take extra care washing hands to reduce the risk of infection, as these devices are prone to bacteria building up. - Flossing and using interdental brushes
Floss and Interdental Brushes are especially effective at removing plaque and bacteria from hard to reach areas in between teeth, and is particularly recommended for people with gum problems such as gingivitis and periodontitis. - Brushes:
Keep your toothbrush clean and dry, and it is prudent to replace it if you have had symptoms of COVID-19.
- Healthy Diet:
Many people are taking this time to get fit and healthy, and eat more healthy fruit and drinking more fruit juice. While this is good for your overall diet, it can harm your enamel, as certain food and drink will lower the pH in your mouth. Over time, these acidic foods and drinks can wear away tooth enamel exposing dentine underneath. Once enamel has worn away, it is gone for good therefore it is important to protect it.

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